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Russell Brand was not allowed to get in the United States because Involved Case Law

Russell Brand had another problem. As quoted by The Sun, Russell who had previously been in London for the screening of the movie "mDespicable is planning to go to New York to perform at the SIRIUS Satellite radio-guided Howard Stern, Tuesday, October 12. When landing at the airport, the immigration authorities to stop Russell and forbid entering the United States.

Immigration officials later interrogate the relevant Russell paparazzi assault he did when he was at LAX airport, Los Angeles, 17 September. Fortunately after that, Russell then allowed to continue his journey. Before that, the immigration authorities had threatened to revoke the visa with the intention that Russell's fiancee Katy Perry is no longer doing mischief.

Associated with these delays, Russell had expressed in his Twitter that he was a little frustrated. Nevertheless, he still managed to promote a radio show that will attend it.

Assault case against a paparazzi began when Russell was disturbed by the act of a photographer who tried to take pictures and Katy. According to the LAX airport security, Russell suddenly angry and pushed the photographer. It's because of him, Russell secured the airport before being handed over to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) Pacific division. After undergoing the examination, Russell was fined 20 000 dollars and then declared free.

Subject arrest, Katy launch statement via his Twitter to defend Russell. "If you cross the line and tried to photograph the dress that I wore, my fiance will do their job and protect me," said Katy. In connection with the case, actor film "Get Him to the Greek 'is scheduled to attend the hearing on 19 November to take responsibility for her action.


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